Worship to express deep love and respect

Worshiping with Intention

In the craziness of life, I can find myself getting caught up in the flow. I sink into whatever comes into my path, instead of being intentional and disciplined.

For example, my husband is currently in busy season at work. When I’m caught up in the flow, I can feel exhausted by him being gone and frustrated with my increased workload around the house. But when I’m intentional, I’m thinking about how thankful I am for how he provides for our family and what I can do to help him.

If I’m not careful, the same thing can be true for my pursuit of God. When I’m caught up in the flow, I can get into a “religious routine.” My time with God looks more like a checklist and less like seeking Him whole-heartedly.

In this devotion, we’re going to look at what worship is and how to be intentional about worship.

What is worship?

To worship means to express reverence and adoration. Breaking it down further, reverence and adoration mean deep respect and love. So when we worship, we are expressing deep respect and love.

We are all worshippers. The question is what are you worshiping? Is it God? Yourself? Your husband or children? Your career or iPhone?

to express deep love and respect

Worshiping things other than God

Here’s what the Bible says in Exodus 34:14 about worshiping anything other than God, “you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.”

It’s not bad to deeply love and respect your husband or children. The problem comes when you love or respect them MORE than God. Take a moment to ask God what you are loving or respecting more than Him. A word for anything your worshiping more than God is an idol.

These are some idols I have recently struggled with. I had to repent and intentionally lay them down.

  • Approval from my parents – When I put the opinion of my parents above the opinion of God, I have made them an idol.
  • Validation from others – When I seek validation from others to make me “feel good” instead of resting in who God says I am, I have made that an idol.
  • Money and praise at work – When I feel like my worth is based on my raise or reviews at work, I have made it an idol.
  • My husband – When my emotions depend on Alex instead of being steadied on the truth of God, I have made him an idol.

Worshiping God

Jesus says in John 4:23, “‘But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship him.’”

David Guzik’s study guide for John chapter 4 explains this verse very well. It says, “With these words Jesus described the basis for true worship: it is not found in places and [outward signs], but in spirit and in truth. To worship in spirit means you are concerned with spiritual realities, not places or outward sacrifices. To worship in truth means you worship according to…God’s word…and come to God in truth, not a mere display of spirituality.”

Ways we worship God

Early in my relationship with God, my understanding of worship was very limited. I thought worship was just singing music about God without distraction. Period.

That is worship, but that’s not the only way to worship. Romans 12:1 tells us that a life poured out is our truest form of worship. Meaning that any way we sacrifice or offer something to God that costs us can be worship. Here are some examples of what that might look like.


Music is one way to worship God. Whether you’re playing an instrument or singing, music is a form of worship and one we see commonly throughout the Bible.

Physical posture

Allowing our physical posture to reflect the posture of our heart is a common way to worship. This can look like kneeling, lying prostrate, raising hands, etc.


Telling God how wonderful He is and how thankful you are for Him is another way to worship.


Sometimes God asks us to do things that are challenging or uncomfortable. Being obedient to God is another way to show our deep love and respect for Him.

Expressing our God-given gifts

God has given each of us gifts. When we use them for His glory and to further His Kingdom, we are worshiping Him.

Loving others well

Jesus tells us in Matthew 22:39 to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” This can look a variety of different ways, from serving someone to telling them you love them, but each way worships God.


Forgiving others like God commands us to, even when we don’t feel like it, is a form of worship.

Financial sacrifice

Joyfully returning our finances to God to further His Kingdom is another form of worship.

Present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship. Romans 12:1

Worshiping intentionally

As moms, whether we’re doing it consciously or subconsciously, we’re constantly planning and organizing. Whether its schedules, meals, naps, or play dates, we are intentional with how we spend our time.

Let’s not allow one of the most important parts of our relationship with God slip through the cracks. Let’s intentionally worship Him and intentionally lay down things we’re worshiping that aren’t God.

Ways to implement worship into your day:

  • Start your day with worship music. I love turning Maverick City Music live worship videos on YouTube on our kitchen TV.
  • Take time to sit with God. Sneak away for 5 minutes while your kids are napping or occupied. Kneel before God and just be still in His presence.
  • Prayer of gratitude. Set aside time to pray. Choose to use that time to thank God for who He is and not ask for anything.
  • Serve your family with joy. Put away your family’s laundry and toys to the glory of God!
  • Choose to forgive immediately. When someone offends you during the day (even your kids), choose to forgive them immediately. I like to say to God, “I choose to forgive [NAME] for [OFFENSE]. I cancel their debt. They owe me nothing.”

Ways to surrender things you’re worshiping that aren’t God:

  • Revelation. First, ask God to reveal to you what you’re worshiping. It’s often things you feel like you can’t live without or spend a lot of time doing.
  • Limit time or stop using. This is the way I’ve surrendered social media, TV, and my phone. It’s helped me to remove apps off my home screen and place my phone in an inconvenient location during the day.
  • Pray. Any time a fear or worry comes into your mind, stop and pray. If the thoughts still come back, I find journaling to be really helpful.
  • God Box. Write on a piece of paper any situation you’re trying to control and put it in a “God Box” representing your choice to surrender it to God. It doesn’t need to be a fancy box. A Kleenex box will work! Any time you try to take control of the situation again, take the paper out of the box, write the date you’re re-surrendering the situation, and put it back in the box.

God is worthy of worship

Worshiping God should be at the top of our priority list each day. He is worthy of all praise. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not currently spending time in worship. It’s an area we all have room to grow in until we’re worshiping in eternity. There’s no better day to start than today.

If you want an in-depth study on worship, check out “How to Worship a King” by Zach Neese.

Prayer of worship (from Psalm 150)

Hallelujah! Praise God in his sanctuary. Praise him in his mighty expanse. Praise him for his powerful acts; praise him for his abundant greatness. Praise him with the blast of a ram’s horn; praise him with harp and lyre. Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and flute. Praise him with resounding cymbals; praise him with clashing cymbals. Let everything that breathes praise the Lord. Hallelujah!

Lord, help us to worship you with the highest praise! You are worthy of it! In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.

Wondering about how to know God? Check out the gospel message.

I would love to be praying for you! Please let me know how I can be praying here.