1 year old walking holding her dad's finger with mom watching from a distance.

Pursuing Joy in Motherhood

As I reflected on 2022 and set goals for the year ahead, I found myself writing that I wanted to pursue joy in parenting. Marlowe’s first year of life had flown by and it felt like I missed so much because I was lost in the day to day challenges of lack of sleep, frustration from trying to nurse, and everything else that comes with a newborn.

This year I wanted to be present and have joy in every moment regardless of the new challenges that would inevitably come. Motherhood is too precious and goes by too fast to not be.

Joy in motherhood is possible

The world tells us that motherhood is hard. Which is true. But the world says it in a way that makes us think we are losing our lives until our kids are on their own. It wants us to believe that the greatest joy will be when they are out of our house.

But we know that isn’t true. John 15:11 says, “These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” Jesus is talking about remaining in His love and being obedient to His commands. When we remain in Jesus’s love, regardless of our season of life, our joy will be full.

We don’t need our kids to be perfectly behaved, ahead of the development curve, or out of our home to have joy. We just need to remain in Jesus’s love for joy! Praise the Lord!

"I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete." John 15:11

Identify what is stealing your joy

As I started the journey of pursuing joy, I asked God to show me what is stealing my joy. This is what He showed me:

  • Baby waking up early or taking short naps
  • Irritability because of teething
  • Refusing medicine
  • Refusing food
  • Illness
  • Angry screaming and whining (I love her happy screams! But the angry screams? Ugh…)

Take a moment to reflect and ask the Lord this question for yourself. What is stealing your joy in motherhood?

Reclaiming the joy of motherhood

Okay, so we know what is stealing our joy and we know remaining in Jesus’s love completes our joy. So how do we reclaim joy in the areas its being stolen? By pouring Jesus’s love into those areas.

For me that looks like a lot of prayer and sacrificial thanks. When I notice my joy is gone or I encounter a situation that is starting to steal my joy, I pray for God’s eyes and response. I also give thanks even when I don’t feel thankful because God tells us to give thanks in ALL circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18) and giving thanks changes my perspective.

Practical Application

Practically, here is what that looks like with my list:

  • Baby waking up early or taking short naps – “Lord, thank you that Marlowe woke up early, giving me less time to myself. Thank you for more time to love on her.”
  • Irritability because of teething – “Lord, thank you Marlowe is developing well and getting new teeth. Please give me the mercy to love her well in her frustration and please give me ideas of how to help her pain or distract her.”
  • Refusing medicine – “Lord, thank you for medicine that can help Marlowe feel better. Please give me wisdom on the best way to give it to her today. Also please give me your patience in the process and please let her take it.”
  • Refusing food – “Lord, thank you for the opportunity to be more creative with food. Help me to understand foods that would interest Marlowe more and help me develop her desire for food.”
  • Illness – “Lord, please heal Marlowe in Jesus’s name. Please fill me with your abundant patience, mercy, and love so I can love her well during this time.”
  • Angry screaming and whining – “Lord, thank you that Marlowe has such a strong voice. Please give me mercy as she learns her desires and emotions and help me to nurture her growth and love her well.”
Reclaim joy in motherhood through prayer and sacrificial thanks

Prayer for joy in motherhood

Lord, thank you that your word says I can have fullness of joy in you. I know motherhood is a gift and children are a gift, but the enemy is trying to steal my joy with the daily challenges.

Please show me those areas in my life so that I can pour your love into those areas and focus on regaining the joy. I want to live in the joy you offer. Help me to do it. In Jesus loving and joyful name I pray, amen.

Wondering about how to know God? Check out the gospel message. I would love to pray for you! Please let me know how I can be praying here.