It's hard to imagine this kind of love, but it exists for you!

Loving From a Place of Love

With God’s love for you, you’re able to love others

We love each other because he loved us first. 1 John 4:19

God loves you

Exhausted mama, do you know you are loved by the Most High God? 1 John 4:9 says, “God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him.” You have a God in heaven that sees every move you make and loves you.

The Bible says that while you were a sinner, Christ died for you (Romans 5:8). God doesn’t only choose to love you on the days where you are perfectly patient. He didn’t send his son to earth to die for you with the assumption that you would never get frustrated. He died for you for today, tomorrow, and every day before and after. It’s hard to imagine this kind of love, but it exists for YOU.

It's hard to imagine this kind of love, but it exists for you!

Loving others

John 13:34 says, “So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” God is giving you the opportunity to love in the same way that He loves you. You have this opportunity with your family, coworkers, strangers, and the people in your life that feel hard to love.

God gives you the greatest example of love with Jesus Christ. You don’t have to do it in your own strength. God wants to guide you through the day and love people through you.

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. 1 John 4:11

Loving from the fruit of the Spirit

What does that look like? It looks like operating out of the fruit of the Spirit:

  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Faithfulness
  • Gentleness
  • Self-control

Loving with love

“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8

Love means an intense feeling of deep affection. When we become moms, God gives us this new, amazing gift of love toward our children. For me, it was a feeling I had never felt, and it’s still hard to put words to. I’m sure you understand exactly what I mean.

Loving our littles with this deep, unconditional affection is the greatest gift we can give them. It’s the perfect love that God gives us.

Loving with joy

“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

This is an area of love that I can easily overlook. My husband’s love language is acts of service. One of the things he really appreciates is when I make dinners. There are a lot of nights that I make dinner with the intention of loving him well, but I’m not doing it with joy. In fact, sometimes I end up feeling annoyed and just doing it out of necessity.

We know from 1 Corinthians 13:1-3 that everything not done in love, is worth nothing. I can love my husband better by choosing to joyfully make the family dinner every night and giving God the glory for the discipline.

Loving with peace

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15

The Bible is clear that we will all go through trials. One way I try to love my friends who are going through trials is by showing up to every interaction with peace. Allowing the peace of God to flow through me can comfort them and give them peace, helping them to trust God in their tough circumstance.

Loving with patience

“A patient person shows great understanding, but a quick-tempered one promotes foolishness. ” Proverbs 14:29

Patience is the area I’ve struggled with the most since becoming a mom. Marlowe went through a phase of squirming and squealing while getting her diaper changed. At first, I was quick-tempered and got frustrated, but I knew that wasn’t God’s best.

I chose to take a second and pray before diaper changes. I would thank God for Marlowe’s curiosity and desire play even while I was trying to change her diaper and ask Him to help me have patience. With her now being 1 year old, I’ve found that patience is one of the best ways I can love her.

Loving with kindness

“Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32

For me this is the easiest way to love people outside my home. Have you ever heard the saying it’s easier to be nice to strangers than your family? I struggle with that. Strangers are easy to love. They don’t know my shortcomings and I don’t know theirs.

But here’s the truth, we’re called to love both family and strangers all the time, not just when its easy. In the same way I prayed for help with Marlowe’s diaper chaos, I’m going to pray for help to show the same kindness in my home as I do to a stranger.

Loving with goodness

“And don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” Hebrews 13:16

This is one of my favorite ways to love on people! Has the Lord ever dropped an idea of something you should into your mind? Maybe it’s taking someone a meal, getting them a gift, or speaking a word of encouragement to a complete stranger.

I’ve been on both the giving and receiving end. On the receiving end, I always feel super thankful and seen by God. On the giving end, I usually feel uncomfortable, challenged, and question if the idea is crazy or from God. But I always end up experiencing God in an incredible way. Be bold in this and choose to be obedient even when it’s uncomfortable. If there’s something good in your mind, you can be confident that it’s from God!

Loving with faithfulness

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.” Romans 12:15

Loyalty a great way to show love. I’m really challenged by this one. I’m terrible at keeping in touch. High school friends, college friends, family. All of them. But we’re called to do life in community.

This scripture is a great reminder to be faithful in showing up for the people God puts in your sphere of influence. Whether it’s a text to check in and pray, or serving them, consistently showing up for people is a great way to love on them.

Loving with gentleness

“A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Proverbs 15:1

Our words and actions are powerful. James 1:19 says “…You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.” To me that sums up what is looks like to love with gentleness.

We can line up our words and actions against this scripture. Was I quick to listen? Was I slow to speak? Was I slow to get angry? Loving with gentleness is simple, but very impactful.

Loving with self-control

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7

The most common way I love with self-control right now is controlling my response when my sweet Marlowe is feeling rebellious. The first time she squirted a snack pouch everywhere I felt so angry about the unnecessary mess I was cleaning up, but I knew I needed to give her unending grace (and hold the pouch myself for a while longer 😊).

I’ve learned self-control is critical in motherhood and discipline. I’m sure I’ll have a lot of opportunities to grow in loving with self-control as Marlowe grows.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23

Loving by the Holy Spirit

When the Holy Spirit nudges you, listen! You don’t have to be afraid. God wants to show you how to love to someone around you. Be bold and do it!

If the Holy Spirit shows you areas you’re not loving well, stop and pray. Ask God to fill you again so you can operate in alignment with Him. It may feel challenging at first, but God wants to change the way you think and love.

Prayer for love

Lord, thank you that you love me so much. Thank you that you want to love others through me. Please give me your eyes to see and your ears to hear. Guide me to those needing extra love and help me to take the time to love them how you’re asking me to. Give me the strength and patience to love those closest to me even when I don’t feel like it. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Love with urgency

You are so loved!! So go out today loving others with the power and wisdom of God!

Curious about how to know God? Check out the gospel message.

I would love to be praying for you! Please let me know how I can be praying here.